I was supposed to work my part time retail job today, but that did not happen. Family sickness prevents Mommy from working outside the house, so I spent the day with a cuddly baby in my lap while making progress in other areas. I made templates for albums for Boudoir sessions. I love the new software I am using for these books, and it gives me time to play with them a bit. Building the wedding album for my last wedding wa really the firsttest of a finished product, and it went so smooth that I think this will allow me to cut time and still keep a print budget in line.
My favorite part of today was getting to build my own album to use as a test prop for client meetings. I am using images of the cuddly baby to do this album. I might eventually use this as a default for cake smash albums as well, but that will come with my ability to order more display books as time passes. Thankfully, I may just have the cutest test subject ever as the star of this book.
My first plan had been to use my own wedding photos, but since we have to postpone that again I will also need to postpone ordering an album. Oh, yes, had I not mentioned the wedding postponement prior to now... we are forced to wait due to some unfortunate circumstances. Eventually I will choose images and build a display wedding album, but that will wait for a bit.
Today was actually fairly good over all and so I leave you with some fun images of cake carnage!