Wedding and Photography Services

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Budgets Are My Bag

So many lovely brides contacting us for late summer and early fall weddings!  Tanya and I are working hard to answer emails and keep planning the shoot for the fall line while I wait for the impending baby to decide they are ready to join us "on the outside".  Add in that the poor husband and I are still looking for a larger place closer to where he is working, and I feel like I have plenty of reasons to "pop" any day now.

Prices have been updated and I need to plug them in this week so you can see the new price lists for all our services.  We're keeping in mind budgets and trying to offer the best over all results based on what has been popular for the last year or two.  My biggest aim is to offer digital galleries and options to allow more clients to share their images with friends and family even if they do not feel an album is part of their needs.

Once again I am sticking to my guns on affordable packages and quality images being the goals, meaning I have taken on the challenge to find ways to keep everything in-house for editing and sourced local printing to keep cost down.  I am proud that for the third year in a row we are set to do everything under $2000 for even our most elaborate package and longest day.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Crossing Fingers and Toes

The new camera has arrived and I am playing with it constantly.  Hopefully the results from tomorrow's appointment will provide good news and there will be either a new member of our family or I will get word that the extreme rest is not needed and there will be new landscape photos while I sneak out for walks with the toddler.  Winter is still doing her level best to hold us prisoner here so I hope you all enjoy the snowy glow of sunsets over ice lakes as that is what I can see from our bay window at the moment.

For those always anxious for updates on the spring bridal line, those are coming soon.  This year seems to be another big dose of addictive lace for my obsession.  Keep an eye out for shoots featuring our MUA and Hair portfolio as well as those long lace cathedral trains in the near future, we'll be doing early detail image work this weekend.  I'm happy I can still poke and play with the lace in the sewing rooms at times because it feeds my girlie side.

And while I wait on all those dresses, bursts of spring, and being sprung from rest orders... BABIES!  I have been quietly building up some ideas for new things to try with newborns and infants.  With any luck there will soon be some cuddly babies in bright colored tutus splashed all over the blog.  Check in soon for updates on that idea and remember to follow us on Pinterest so you can see where I am periodically pulling new inspiration along the way.

Keep thinking spring, I know I am so ready for the snow to be over and beach weddings to start again!