Wedding and Photography Services

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Never Too Old

I am always surprised to hear clients tell me they were embarrassed to inquire about boudoir because it is "something for young women".  I am not really sure why we need to limit ourselves to having fun only when we are in our teens and twenties.  Most women wait until they are twenty-five or older to start a family or even get married.  

I myself was twenty-five when my husband proposed, and he was about to turn thirty that year.  We are by no means "old", but we did wait a longer time than many traditionalists would like women to think is normal.  I only point this out because I still have a long list of things to do in my life, and not one of them is something I have to complete while I am "young".

I am writing this today because I think beautiful women will always be beautiful when they are proud of themselves.  Success in life is something to be proud of; a good relationship, changes in habits to loose significant weight, or any other reason you can think of can be a fantastic reason to have photography of any kind.  I may do mostly boudoir, but I always suggest even a simple portrait to show off that happy glow.

So the next time you want to say "oh, I'm too old"... remember that experience can be far more sexy than innocence in the right circumstances.  And feel free to laugh at anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.